The Re-Invention Room


Fuerte jul 19I hope you're having a good Summer and have managed to find some sun and relaxation. 

The weather has been great in Scotland recently so long may it continue...

I was in Fuerteventura last week doing a recce for my first 'Re-Invent yourself' Retreat in November - the weather was very sunny but you can see by my photo very windy too!

It's always windy in Fuerteventura (this means 'strong wind' in Spanish) so a bit of added hair care was needed!

Are you caring enough for yourself at the moment? It's really easy to forget about yourself in the midst of school holidays and maybe a busy workplace as colleagues take their holidays etc.

I find keeping fit and looking good can really help with this - a light walk early in the morning or at night can really lift the soul and exercise is a great way of meditating.

Check out my fitness website.

LilianI've had a very busy week this week as clients are suddenly looking for clothes to take on holiday and the weather is so warm and sunny.

On Wednesday I headed down to Birmingham to see the new Autumn/Winter 19 collection of French Captain Tortue clothes - above is designer Lilian showing us one of her beautiful creations.

These will be in the studio here in central Stirling in August so give me a call if you would ike to view or arrange a Style Show for you and your friends -   you get some great discount yourself and depending on sales something free form the rail!

Tomorrow Saturday 29/6/19 I am having a sale for the Summer clothes here in the studio - there are some great reductions on this beautiful designer   range of clothes starting at £10!

Let me know if you're coming 10-11am 07933 911522

 Have a great Summer!

CT green jumper

How are you finding clothes shopping this Summer? Are you baffled by your choices online and on the high street - and maybe the weather?

Perhaps you don't have time to shop or have reached a certain age and aren't sure what to wear any more?

I have a Style Studio - The Re-Invention Room - here in Stirling. You can come and have a cuppa and I'l talk you through your best styles and colours for your   shape, lifestyle and age.

I am lucky enough to stock the French Captain Tortue brand of clothing - chic, easy to wear, colourful and mainly in sizes 6-24. 

You can try this on with absolutely no obligation to buy.

Sale this Saturday 10am - 12pm - let me know if you're coming 07933 911522


CT rust

I'm very excited that my next Swish night is approaching on Friday May 31 2019. This is always a fun social evening combined with finding some       great additions for your wardrobe. I will be giving a short Style presentation and doing some mini Makovers on the evening. You must pre-book.

My Captain Tortue French clothes are selling well with many of the styles actually selling out, so if there is anything you like in the studio don't leave   it too long!I 

I have had a busy week so far - speaking at my local business neworking group about dressing for success and planning my first 'Re-Invent Yourself'  Retreat which will run in Fuerteventura in early December this year.

The Retreat will not be so much about the superficial idea of reinvention but actually working on the inside first with some fitness, healthy eating     and mindfulness.

I will however be advising on your best styles and colours too and there will be some time to enjoy the abundant sunshine on this the driest of the   Canary Islands

Let me know as soon as possible if you're interested - there are only 4 spaces.

 07933 911522


CT yellow jacketI'm looking forward to the better weather and love this time of year when we can look ahead to Summer.

There are some fabulous colours around right now - colour really is the key to looking younger and the best you can be.

First of all you need to know your best base colour so you can create your capsule wardrobe for Summer.

I work with navy, black, charcoal and chocolate and then select 3/4 colours that you really suit.

There is a predominance of yellow shades this season - choose from mustard, lemon and canary but do you suit it?

If you're not sure of your colours come out and see me and I will tell you.

This French linen and faux suede jacket is from my exclusive Captain Tortue range and is £85.

Call me to view my private collection - no obligation to buy - an alternative to your High Street or on line shopping 07933 911522


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The Re-invention Room is a personal shopping and image consultancy with over a decade's experience helping women find their personal style so they look and feel great in their clothes. We’re based in Stirling but travel to meet with clients in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Newcastle too.

Location: Stirling
Phone: 07933 911522
