The Re-Invention Room


Is the Bra history?!

madonna bra

I have noticed amongst the younger 'GenerationZ' (late teens/early 20s) that traditional bras are no longer part of their wardrobe and sports bras for daytime, and clever taping and fitted dresses and tops for evening wear are much more comfortable and practical.

So where does leave us ladies in Generation X or older (their Mothers and Grandmothers) who have been taught from a young age that wearing the right bra is great for our posture and is quite frankly as necessary as a pair of knickers?!

I think it's important if you have a large bust to have good support, but I guess if you are pert and smaller endowed it would be acceptable and good for the breast muscles to work a bit harder without.

If you do need to get fitted (not all of us feel happy with nipples on show!) I recommend you go to a specialist bra shop like The Personal Touch in Stirling or Bathgate, where a tape measure is not used and the bra is fitted to you.

Wearing the right bra if you are a D cup or above will make you look slimmer, your clothes fit better and you may be able to drop a dress size.

Call me for more information or come along to the Studio and I can tell you if your bra fits correctly or not.

07933 911522




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The Re-invention Room is a personal shopping and image consultancy with over a decade's experience helping women find their personal style so they look and feel great in their clothes. We’re based in Stirling but travel to meet with clients in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Newcastle too.

Location: Stirling
Phone: 07933 911522
