The Re-Invention Room


How is your wardrobe this Summer?

CT green jumper

How are you finding clothes shopping this Summer? Are you baffled by your choices online and on the high street - and maybe the weather?

Perhaps you don't have time to shop or have reached a certain age and aren't sure what to wear any more?

I have a Style Studio - The Re-Invention Room - here in Stirling. You can come and have a cuppa and I'l talk you through your best styles and colours for your   shape, lifestyle and age.

I am lucky enough to stock the French Captain Tortue brand of clothing - chic, easy to wear, colourful and mainly in sizes 6-24. 

You can try this on with absolutely no obligation to buy.

Sale this Saturday 10am - 12pm - let me know if you're coming 07933 911522



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The Re-invention Room is a personal shopping and image consultancy with over a decade's experience helping women find their personal style so they look and feel great in their clothes. We’re based in Stirling but travel to meet with clients in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Newcastle too.

Location: Stirling
Phone: 07933 911522
